I've been telling myself for months that I would start a blog for my journeys in Spain, and I can't think of a better time to do it than now: Tomorrow I depart for Los Angeles to apply for my visa at the Consulate General of Spain.
My countdown clock says I have 63 days left until I officially start my adventure. For something that I've been anticipating for so long, 63 days almost doesn't seem like enough time anymore.
For those who might not know the backstory:
Last year, as I was trying to use whatever flying benefits I had left until they expired, I took a short trip to visit my first-year roommate, Vanessa Kelly, in Granada Spain. She was there teaching English for the school year, and I couldn't think of any better excuse to see a little bit of Europe than this opportunity.
I had such a fantastic time with her, her friends, and her assignment, that I returned home and decided that I would do whatever I can to do the same thing in the next year.
So here I am!
I did what I could to try and get placed in Granada (as I had truly fallen in love with that city and Vanessa and her friends were likely to be staying there the next year as well), but as luck would have it, I was placed in Cordoba instead. Complete disappointment was my first reaction, but as I learned a little bit (and then a little bit more!) about the city I really have become very excited about my placement.
As I said before, tomorrow I head off to LA to apply for my visa. It's definitely been a process (background checks, secretary of state signatures, doctor's letters, express envelops, money orders, and endless other demands), but one that came together a little more smoothly than I ever expected (always teaching me the value of NOT procrastinating!). And it certainly did not lack its moments of total panic either, but hopefully, those are all behind me now.
As far as I'm concerned, as of Friday afternoon, it's just tying up the loose ends and a waiting game.
Oh, and learning as much Spanish as I possibly can.
Katie, you are the perfect person for adventure and how perfect that you didn't get placed in the same city as your friends. This will encourage you to make new friends and blaze your own path. It will truly be a life changing experience. My favorite saying is "Life is an adventure, not a guided tour" and you will be living it. Grab as much gusto in life as you can for it makes you who you are. I will enjoy reading your blog, Sue